Thursday, March 24, 2011

Growth of Urban Agglomerations, 1950-2015

This bar graph shows information about the growth of urban agglomerations of nine well known cities from 1950 till 2015.

The population in London has decreased from around 7 million in 1950 and it's predicted to reach 6 million in2015. New York had the biggest population in 1950 which was about 13 million. It kept on rising in the following years and it's predicted to reach 16 million in 2015. Mexico City, Lagos, Bombay, Sao Paolo and Tokyo have shown a great increase where it's predicted to reach around 25 million in Tokyo and Bombay in 2015 which will be the highest among all the other cities, where it was only around 6 and 3 million respectively in 1950. Cairo gas witnessed a reasonable increase and it's predicted to reach 12 million in 2015 from approximately 2 million in 1950.

Tokyo and Bombay will reach 25 million, while London is showing a decrease in the population each year. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Road Congestion in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is considered one of the modern cities in the world. Lately, it has become a very well-known city. Although, like any other big city, it has some disadvantages. Traffic congestion is one of the disadvantages that people of Abu Dhabi are suffering from. In this essay I’m going to talk about the causes of the traffic congestion and then I’m going to talk about the possible solutions.
Let’s start with the causes. First, growth of the population is considered a major cause of the traffic congestion. The more population there is the more cars there will be. The second cause is that the number of female drivers is increasing each year. Another cause is that we have an increase in the number of trucks which makes it even more crowded.

Now, let us discuss the possible solutions. First, constructing a railway can be an effective solution for this kind of problem, but will cost the government a lot of money and it’s going to take a lot of time to make it ready. Second, expanding the roads can be a part of solving this problem. Next, constructing alternative routes can be an excellent idea to make the city roads less crowded. Then, constructing more bridges can help in solving this problem.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the government should take action regarding it because it can affect people’s lives. In my point of view the most viable solution would be expanding the roads because it can be much cheaper than constructing a railway.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

young people drop out of school

Education is one of the most important things in our life.  Nowadays many young people drop out of  school for some reasons.  In this essay I’m going to discuss some of the causes that make young students drop out of school and some of the solutions that can help in solving these problems. To begin with let us start with the causes.
  First, a lot of students drop out of school to get a job where they can live on their own away from home.  By getting a job they can have a salary, a flat, a nice car and many other things that any young boy can dream about. A big number of young people join the army or the police because they don’t have to get a certificate to join them.  Another reason is that many students are not good at school.  They always fail because they are not trying hard enough to pass at school therefore they drop out of it.  What’s more, making friends with the bad guys can make them skip school by learning bad habits from them, so instead of going to school they prefer to hang out with their bad friends. Now, lets talk about some of the solutions that should be taken under consideration.  First, parents have the biggest role in raising their kids in a good way.  It’s their responsibility to educate them and encourage them to finish school  and what’s more important is to choose good friends for them and keep them away from the bad friends.  Second, schools can give weak students extra classes to help them pass the lessons.  Third, the government can give the student a promotional salary to urge them to study and stay at school.
  In conclusion, I’d like to say that we have to do something regarding this serious problem.  I believe that the main viable solution is in parents' hands. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Synonyms 1

sent out = posted

Disclosed = made it known

Rest = remainder

Scattering = sprinkling

Hosted = held

Apartment = flat

Speculation = gossip

Intense = severe

split up = finished

Trip = holiday