Thursday, April 28, 2011

Argument essay about smoking

Smoking is a widespread phenomenon that can cause many serious diseases. I see many people smoking. Many of them are people who I know. Although it is harmful in some ways, it can help some people to relax. First, let me start with the positive points.
First of all, smoking can help smokers to relax from the stressful daily routine. Some people think it makes them feel good when they are nervous. What’s more, people have the right to smoke as long as they smoke away from people and public places. Next, many families in poor countries depend mainly on tobacco. As it is their main job to grow and to cut tobacco leaves.
Now, let’s talk about the negative things. First but not least, smoking is a major cause of lung cancer and heart disease as well as many other chronic diseases. Next, smoking near people in public places like shopping malls, coffee shops and at the office is not only harming you, it’s also harming other people around you. By saying other people this can be people who you love and you care for. Another point is that when you light up a cigarette you are burning your money as well. It’s a waste of money.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that I can respect the freedom of smokers, but I believe they should think about it twice as it is harmful for them and for others.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reflection 3

In this semester we focused on two types of writing, problem/solution and description of graph. Till now, we have done a lot of them to practice more and more so we can get familiar with it. We wrote about 5 graph description and a couple of problem/solution essays. We also did some reading and listening practice and it was very helpful. I think my English skill is much better than it was last semester. I think that I have to practise more to improve my Enlish.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Population growth, 1750-2150

This line graph shows information about the population in less developed countries and more developed countries between 1750 and 2150.
In 1750 the population in both less developed countries and more developed countries was less than 1 billion. The population was increasing slightly until it reached around 2 billion in less developed countries in 1950. Between 1950 and 2050 the population increased dramatically in poorer countries. In the year 2000 the population in poorer countries was 6.1 billion, while it was only about 1 billion in richer countries. In 2050 the population is predicted to increase slightly till it reaches approximately 10 billion in poorer countries, but the population in richer countries is estimated to fall slightly until it reaches around 1 billion in 2150.
The population in poorer countries is predicted to reach 10 billion in 2150, while the population in richer countries will not exceed 1 billion in 2150.