Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mobile phones

The mobile phone is considered as one of the necessary things in our lives. We depend on it heavily these days, although many car accident have been recorded because of using it while driving.
In some cases it is necessary to have a mobile phone in your car in case of emergency such as running out of petrol, having a flat tyre or to get help if got lost. Also, having a mobile phone in the car can help you saving lives by reporting a serious accident.
On the other hand, there is no doubt that using mobile phones is a major cause of deadly accidents. So, to use mobile phones in case of emergency we should use headsets or it’s even better to stop the car completely to make a call. Sometimes having mobile phones in cars can be a source of distraction to the driver as we have to pay more attention to the road.
In my opinion, having a mobile phone in the car is important as long as we use it in a safe way by following the regulations and the road rules which urge us to use a headset to use the phone.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Underground Train Systems

This table shows some information about the underground train systems in 5 different major cities, London, Paris, Tokyo and Boston.
First, London has the oldest underground train system that was opened in 1863. It also has the longest one which is 394 km. Kyoto has the shortest one which is 11 km only. Tokyo train system has the biggest number of passengers which was 192 million in 2010 followed by Paris which was very close to Tokyo with 189 million passengers. Boston underground system is the newest among all; it was opened in 2001.
In conclusion, London underground train system is the oldest and the longest. Kyoto has the shortest. Tokyo has the most passengers.