Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Valentine's day Gifts

These two pie charts illustrate the kind of gifts men and women buy for each other on Valentine's day.
The top three gifts men buy for women are cards which are 18%, flowers which are 16% and candy which is 14%. Whereas the top three gifts women buy for men are cards, which is the same as men, but with more percentage which is 27%. Candy comes second with 21% followed by flowers with 11%. The most popular gift for both men and women is cards which is something in common. However, the second most common gift men buy is flowers, but it’s candy for women. The rest of the gifts men buy would be jewelry 10%, lingerie 7%, spa/personal care 6% and finally perfume 4%. Whereas the rest of gifts women buy for men are perfume 10%, jewelry 9%, lingerie 4% and finally spa/personal care which got a very small portion that is only 1% of the whole.
In conclusion, it looks like cards, candy and flowers got the biggest segments and that’s because they’re the most common gifts for both men and women.

Top Ten Producing Countries 2001

This bar chart illustrates information about the top ten date producing countries in the year 2001 which is mentioned in tonnes.
Overall, the top three date producers are first, Egypt with 1,100,000 tonnes which is the most abundant. This is followed by Iran with 900,000 tonnes. The UAE comes third with around 780,000 tonnes. Fourth comes Suadi Arabia which is a little less than the UAE with approximatly 770,000 tonnes. The production of Iraq and Pakistan are nearly the same. Finally came Algeria, Oman, Sudan and Libya which has the least production of all. Six countries produce more than half a million tonnes a year. If we caculate the production of Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, we’ll get about 2,700,000 tonnes of dates.
In coclusion, Egypt and Iran took the majority of date production while Sudan and Libya are in the minority.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

UK Budget 1996

This pie chart shows information about the spending of the UK government in 1996 which is divided into ten different segments.
First comes the social security which has the highest rate. That’s because the UK government thinks that the social security is an important issue, therefore it spent £100 billion on social security. Then comes health and personal social services which got an amount of £53 billion. That’s nearly half of what the social security got. It’s the government responsibility to take care of the citizens and their needs. Third comes the education which plays a big role in developing the country. Then comes the debt interest followed by other expenditure and defence which got a similar amount of money. After that comes the law and order which the government spent £17 billion on. Then comes housing heritage and environment. It got £15 billion. It’s important that the country looks clean. After that come the industry, agriculture and employment where the government spent £13 billion. Finally comes the transport which got the smallest portion which was £9 billion.
The UK government spent a total of £315 billion. That’s a big number to spend, but it’s for the people's sake. The amount spent on social security was almost a third of the total budget.